Pacey: (placing his hand to her ear) Where did you get those? They're not you. 
Joey: Why? Because I'm just a poor tom-boy, or because Dawson gave them to me? 
Pacey: Neither. (taking her wrist which has a bracelet on it) You see this? This is you. It's not showy, or gaudy... it's simple. Elegant. Beautiful. 
Joey: It's my mom's bracelet. 
Pacey: I know. 
Joey: (surprised) How do you know? 
Pacey: Well, because you told me. Six months ago. You were wearing that, uh, blue sweater, with the snowflakes that you have. You were walking down the hallways at school, I was annoying you as per usual. You said, "Look, Pacey, I just found my mother's bracelet this morning, so why don't you cut me some slack?" 
Joey: You remember that? 
Pacey: I remember everything.

- Dawson's Creek

I've become someone who hates themself so much, that I can't even look in a mirror, and I wish being with you didn't make it worse, but it does, because the more you love me in spite of all this, the angrier at you I get, and the more I stop loving you back.

- Dawson's Creek

It seems that every relationship produces its share of dissapiontments, insecurity, and pain. Anyone who has never been hurt, is either very lucky or very lonely

- Dawson's Creek

You reminded me of what I'm capable of feeling. It's like I was ... walking around seeing my life through a smudged window, and then I saw you and the smudges were gone. The window was clean

- Dawson's Creek

Someday youre going to meet someone who drives you mad. Who you're going to fight with and laugh with and do totally insane things for. Someone.... who turns your life upside down

- Dawson's Creek

It's the sweet ones you have to watch out for. They'll run over you like a mac truck.

- Dawson's Creek

how do I know I’m not just this security blanket for you? Something you'll keep coming back to when the world gets scary?

- Dawson's Creek

Dawson: Yeah…yeah, whenever she had exciting news or something she wanted to talk about, she'd climb in my window and we'd talk for hours and hours. And now she goes to you. 
Jack: Dawson, I don't think you should draw any conclusions about your relationship with Joey based on something something so circumstantial. Besides, I can be friends with her, but you're her soulmate 
Dawson: You just told the bride you don't believe in soulmates. 
Jack: I don't believe in perfect love. But I do believe that there are people who's lives are inextricably intertwined. You know…who have a bond that lasts forever, that can never be broken 

- Dawson's Creek

I’ve seen how much she loves him. I’ve seen it on her face. I’ve seen them kiss. I’ve seen them hold hands. And tonight, I saw them fighting – which is something I’ve basically been seeing every day of my life since first grade and i think it was actually worse than the kissing

- Dawson's Creek

You. You, uh, you got under my skin. I found myself having these series of annoying conversations with you in my head, which must be a sign of something, so I kept coming back for more, which ultimately proved to be my undoing

- Dawson's Creek

Or maybe I’ve been thinking about how to say goodbye to you all week. Maybe I’ve been thinking about how to make those words come out of my mouth every second of the day since I made the decision to leave. Maybe saying goodbye to you is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

- Dawson's Creek

and no matter how much I love you or how long I stay with you, you’re only gonna remember the moments when I leave.

- Dawson's Creek

why don't you try being the girl who has to wonder why all the people she loves.. don't love her back?

- Dawson's Creek

Joey: Dawson, I'm sorry I don't have the same dreams I had when I was 15 years old, and I'm sorry that I moved on faster than you did, but you know what? Maybe not everything that happens to you is my fault! And maybe just because I want more from my life than--
Dawson: more than what? More than us? You don't know, do you? You've never known. The entire time I've known you, all you've wanted to do is escape. From me, from Capeside. I mean, you say that I'm the dreamer. I'm the one who doesn't wanna live in the real world. Well, I'm doing it, Joey. Right now. I'm living in the real world. It's you who wants the fantasy

- Dawson's Creek

I’m leaving because you never asked me to stay 

- Dawson's Creek

Because... I saw you out there talking to her. I saw your face when you were watching her leave, and I realized that... she hurt you way more than you ever hurt me

- Dawson's Creek

So you're breaking my heart into a million pieces, and you're saying it's because I deserve better?

- Dawson's Creek

in the best possible way, you have absolutely wrecked me, because you see, i fell in love with you knowing that there was never any possibility of being with you.

- Dawson's Creek

I don’t know. It’s like, there’s this person that you want to be for other people. To make them proud of you. And then there’s you. And sometimes it’s hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. Does that make any sense?

- Dawson's Creek

you're not mad at me for kissing you, you're mad at yourself for kissing me back 

- Dawson's Creek

How can you simply be friends with someone when every time you look at them all you can think of is how much more you want

- Dawson's Creek

You know those moments when you totally don't wanna cry, but... you're not quite sure what else to do? 

- Dawson's Creek

Joey: You never look back, do you? 
Pacey: Why would you look back? The future's out there. And whatever it is, it's gonna be great.

- Dawson's Creek

Joey: I was scared. 
Dawson: Of what? 
Joey: Of going backwards, of never growing up. 
Dawson: That's what I represent to you? 
Joey: No, not you. Us. I started this year thinking that I had to say good-bye to you, but I was wrong. Dawson, you're a huge part of my life-- past, present, and future-- and I have to start getting used to that because... you make my life better, not worse

- Dawson's Creek

Because I have to tell you that I am really truly sorry for everything, and I'm sorry that I wasn't completely truthful with you, and I'm sorry for my predilection for the company of older women. It's just that... [Sighs] This has been a really strange year for me, Audrey, 'cause while the rest of you guys were off doin' the whole college thing, I was just doin' my best to stay afloat, and, believe me, nobody's handin' out road maps for the road less traveled. You just kinda gotta get on and start drivin'. But, ultimately, the only thing that I want to take away from this year, and the only thing that I'm gonna remember is you because you are amazing, Audrey, and you came along at a time when I thought all the big loves of my life were behind me, and you just rocked my world. And I know that you and I don't actually even know each other that well yet, but...[Sighs] I'm sure that I could live without you, I'm just not sure that I want to,

- Dawson's Creek
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