Sometimes silence is the most important thing we can hear.

- Dr. David Boan

The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place, but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.

- Dorothy Nevill

Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy with what you have.

- Unknown

People's lives change. To keep all your old friends is like keeping all your old clothes - pretty soon your closet is so jammed and everything's so crushed you can't find anything to wear. Help these friends when they need you; bless the years and happy times when you meant a lot to each other; but try not to feel guilty if new people mean more to you now.

- Helen Gurley

Do everything you want and if it’s something you regret in the morning… sleep late.

- Unknown

If you obey all the rules, you’ll miss all the fun.

- Katharine Hepburn

N o point in getting to the end of the road unless you've enjoyed the journey.

- Nora Roberts

Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.

- Phyllis Diller

You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.

- Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. you will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.

- Albert Camus

Moment to moment, there are aspects of life that we like, and others we don’t, there are always going to be people who disagree with you, people who do things differently, that don’t work out, if you fight this principle of life, you'll spend most of your time fighting battles

- R. Carlson

Time comes to us softly, slowly. It sits beside us for a while. Then, long before we are ready, it moves on.

- If You Come Softly

I believe that anyone can conquer fear by doing the things they fear to do.

- Eleanor Roosevelt

I'm afraid of not having enough time. Not enough time to understand people, how they really are, or to be understood myself. I'm afraid of quick judgments and mistakes that everybody makes. You can't fix them without time. I'm afraid of seeing snapshots instead of movies.

- The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

When it comes down to it I let them think what they want. If they just care enough to bother with what I do then, I'm already better than them anyway.

- Marilyn Monroe

We're all damaged in our own way. Nobody's perfect. I think we are all somewhat screwy, every single one of us.

- Johnny Depp

The only thing standing between me and total happiness is reality.

- Douglas Porter

At some point, you have to make a decision. Boundaries don't keep people out - they fence you in. Life is messy. That's how we're made. So, you can waste your life drawing lines, or, you can live your life crossing them. But, there are some lines that are way too dangerous to cross. Here's what I know. If you are willing to take the chance, the view from the other side is spectacular.

- Grey's Anatomy

I really can't deny it. I am who I am. I’m pretty normal. I’m not that smooth type of girl. I run into things. I trip. I spill food. I say stupid things. I really don't have it all together.

- Katie Holmes

Sometimes I feel like I'm down to the last thread on the rope, and I'm just dangling on.

- Unknown

The strongest person you see all day, Just may be the one who cries themselves to sleep at night.

- Unknown

Have you ever realized that when people say you`ve changed it's just because you've stopped living your life ... their way.

- Unknown

It's been said that seeing is believing. But the fact is, we all have our blind spots. Sometimes we recognize them ourselves. Sometimes others recognize them for us, distance has a way of distorting the things we see, but what appears as an obstacle may in fact be an opportunity. The trick is having enough faith to carry through.

- Everwood

Lets play truth or dare. Or just dare because nobody ever really tells the truth anymore.

- One Tree Hill

Now just because you deserve this doesn't mean they're gonna give it to you. sometimes you gotta take what's yours.

- Coach Carter
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