I know I've made a lot of stupid mistakes. But the worst one was thinking the person who hurt me the most, wouldn't hurt me again

- Dawson's Creek

I looked at him, and he looked at me, and for that split second it was like we forgave eachother for everything

- Dawson's Creek

I can blow your mind in a million different ways that you've never even imagined, you knew that when you looked at me, and knew that it would be different with me, thats why your not turning around, because your nervous about what you might feel

- Dawson's Creek

I used to be able to look into your eyes and know everything you were thinking, these days, I havent a clue

- Dawson's Creek

I've known it since the moment you kissed me, and maybe even before that, and as scary as it is, i dont want to deny it anymore pacey, i dont want to run from it, and i dont want to let it run from me

- Dawson's Creek

You've taught me that love sucks, that feelings can change, passion will fade, partners will come and go, but through it all, one thing remains sacred: friendship

- Dawson's Creek

You know you love someone when you sit up all night just to watch someone sleep

- Dawson's Creek

Anticipation is the purest form of pleasure. And the most reliable. And that while the things that actually happened to you would invariably disappoint you, the things that never happened to you would never dim, never fade. They'd always be engraved on your heart with sort of a sweet sadness to them.

- Dawson's Creek

You cant explain why you love someone, you cant.... you just do

- Dawson's Creek

So this is what I'm going to do: I'm going to hug you. And I'm not going to let go for a really long time. And I'm going to tell you that I love you. Which is actually a pretty good deal. Because it means I'll do anything on the off chance it'll make you a little less sad

- Dawson's Creek

But... how could it be over? we can't just say "I love You" for the first time and have it be over

- Dawson's Creek

Falling in love. Sharing your life with someone. Giving your heart to another person to the extent that losing them could potentially destroy you. It's such a crazy thing to do

- Dawson's Creek

It’s not about the perfect setting and it’s not about the perfect timing--it’s about the perfect person

- Dawson's Creek

"Stalker" sounds so negative. I prefer to think of myself as doggedly persistent.

- Dawson's Creek

you've had a lifetime to process your feelings for me and I can't spend the rest of mine hoping that you might throw a general glance in my direction in between your tortured teen romances

- Dawson's Creek

I'm sitting here with my best friend in the world and my palms are sweating

- Dawson's Creek

Is it the possibility of losing him to somebody else that suddenly makes him so attractive?

- Dawson's Creek

You exhaust way to much time and energy on a girl you call "just your friend"

- Dawson's Creek

If by some slim chance you would have kissed me back, you would have been thinking of someone else right?

- Dawson's Creek

There are not many people in this world with the ablility to give you butterflies, and if you dont tell those people how you feel, It'll be like spending the rest of your life in your own personal prison.

- Dawson's Creek

You live in a world of black and white and I see pieces of gray.. that's the difference between you and me. that's what made me fall in love with you, and that's what is tearing us apart.

- Dawson's Creek

She's great. I mean she's...she's smart. She's beautiful. She's funny. She's a big ol' scaredy cat. If you creep up behind her she'll jump out of her skin. It's pretty amusing. Um, she's honest. She always calls them just like she sees them. You can always count on getting the truth from Joey even if the truth hurts. She's stubborn. We fight a lot. She can be so frustrating sometimes. But she's a really, really good friend. And loyal to a fault, she's...she believes in me. And I'm a dreamer so I mean, it's so good to have somebody like that in my life. God, if she goes away I don't know what I'm going to do. I mean she's...she's my best friend, you know? She's... she's more than that ...she's everything

- Dawson's Creek

Brooks: And remember, you're still young enough to fall in and out of love a few more times before you get it right.
Dawson: That doesn't sound very fun.
Brooks: It isn't...And it is... And it isn't. But it's worth it. Every single time.

- Dawson's Creek

Because you're beautiful, and you don't know it. Because you're smart, and you don't believe it. You're the kind of girl that guys never get over. Joey, you're the kind of girl that other girls get compared to

- Dawson's Creek

You wanted a kiss. Is that what you want? Are you prepared for everything that comes with that kiss? cause it doesnt just end with a fade out. There are repercussions. Hearts get broken. Friendships get ruined. Your entire life could fall apart because of one kiss. That's what you have to look foward to. Do yourself a big favor.. don't rush it.

- Dawson's Creek
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