Topanga: Cory, I can't see you anymore. 
Cory: What? 
Topanga: Do you have any idea how many guys hit on me? 
Cory: What are you talking about? 
Topanga: I never needed to test my feelings for you. I moved away from my parent's in Pittsburg to be close to you. Ever since we were little kids, I felt like I belonged with you. I would have given you everything, Cory. 
Cory: Topanga, I'm... I'm so sorry. 
Topanga: I forgive you. I forgive you for lying at the lodge, I forgive you for kissing her and I forgive you for the letter, which I read, and I know how intimately she felt about you. But that you needed to see her, to test how you felt about me, I don't forgive you for that Cory, I don't. 
Cory: No, No, No! You told me to see her, Topanga You told me to see how I felt! 
Topanga: And you listened.

- Boy Meets World

Don’t risk anything you aren’t willing to lose

- Boy Meets World

Cory: Okay, Topanga, it’s your turn. If you could change your mate into one animal, what pet would it be and why? And please, nothing fuzzy-wuzzy.
Topanga: Uh, a falcon.
Cory: Yes! A falcon, the hunter of all that is fuzzy-wuzzy.
Topanga: No, a falcon because I want you to be free to soar majestically as long as I know that you will always come back to me.

- Boy Meets World

Cory: I didn’t even get to say good-bye, Eric.
Eric: That’s okay. You can say good-bye next time you say hello.

- Boy Meets World

Somehow time goes by and what you had just goes away.

- Boy Meets World

Sometimes the things you complain most about are the things you care most about. Unfortunately you don't always know that before it's too late

- Boy Meets World

I opened my heart to you. I can't just stand around like a fool, waiting for you to be ready

- Boy Meets World

You do your thing, I'll do mine. You go your way, I'll go mine. And if we end up together, it's beautiful

- Boy Meets World

Friendship is a real gift. It is given with no expectations & no gratitude is necessary

- Boy Meets World

Morgan: Mommy, if my dolly is cold, can I put her in the toaster oven?
Amy: No, honey, that would be a mistake.
Morgan: Mommy?
Amy: What?
Morgan: I made a mistake.

- Boy Meets World

Topanga: What I see in you? Portrait of someone I thought I knew. How were you able to talk to some girl all night then kiss her the next and still think you care about me?!
Cory: Because I did, and I do! 
Topanga: You don't! Or you wouldn't have been able to do those things, Cory. These things don't just happen for no reason. 
Cory: You're right. Besides, she kissed me. 
Topanga: Oh! And you moved away? What did you do to stop her? 
Cory: Nothing! I said, 'Kiss me baby sweetie, kill the relationship with the person I care about more than anything, and make me miserable for the rest of my horrible life!

- Boy Meets World

I'm just not the guy for you. You need a guy who's happy and 
perky all the time. Maybe a guy who's had part of his brain removed and he 
thinks he's a bunny, and you can go off and be bunnies together

- Boy Meets World

Feeny: strange is in the eye of the beholder, Mr. Matthews. I, for example, have a young neighbor who sings along with his little sister's Barney records.
Cory: you hear that?!

- Boy Meets World

Shawn: *yelling* if i was only gonna be alive for one minute, i'd spend it looking into your eyes
Angela: and if you were only gonna be alive for one minute, I'd tell you to stop lookin and to start kissin! *they kiss*

- Boy Meets World

Love doesn't require you to be perfect, but it does require you to forgive.

- Boy Meets World

Topanga: what, do you think this is funny?
cory: no, I think its the opposite of funny. I think its...wood.

- Boy Meets World

Topanga: you Don't like it?
Cory: Its not that I don't like it. Its just that, I am in love with this girl who has never been interested in how she looks and now I see makeup on your face and paint on your hands and toes. Stop staring at her toes!
Shawn: but they sparkle!!

- Boy Meets World

I just broke up with someone I spent my entire life with. I don't have a heart anymore. I've lost my life.

- Boy Meets World

Angela: Well is any one of us safe?
Shawn: yeah, virgins never die.
Cory: alright.. Thanks for saving me [to Topanga]
Eric: I'm dead.
Jack: I'm dead.
Shawn: I'm about as sick as you can get without acutally dying.

- Boy Meets World

Cory: No more macaroni! We want Steak! And what do we want with our steak? 

- Boy Meets World

Shawn: Do you really like her 
Cory: Yeah, I really do

- Boy Meets World

I opened my heart to you. I can't just stand around like a fool, waiting for you to be ready.

- Boy Meets World

The world is going to throw us a million reasons why this isn't gonna work out between us, but I'm armed with the one reason why it will - I love you.

- Boy Meets World
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