Don't be afraid. Every song has a coda, a final movement. Whether it fades out or crashes away, every song ends. But is that any reason not to enjoy the music?

- One Tree Hill

Well, the wind is real, but you can't see the wind. You know, you can only see the leaves rustling in the trees. Pain is real but you can't see pain. You can only see tears. Happiness is real, but you can't see happiness. You can only see the smile on someone's face.

- 7th Heaven

That's the things about needs, sometimes when they're met you realize you just don't need them anymore.

- Sex and the City

So you want me to tell you something about myself? I don't have anything to say. Even if I did, you'd be wrong to believe me. Trust is a lie - nobody ever knows anyone.

- One Tree Hill

Do or do not. There is no try.

- Yoda

We all honor heroes for different reasons. Sometimes for their bravery, sometimes for their daring, sometimes for their goodness, but mostly we honor heroes because at one point or another we all dream of being rescued. Of course, if the right hero doesn’t come along, sometimes we just have to rescue ourselves.

- Desperate Housewives

Like all of a sudden I didn't fit in anywhere. Not at school, not at home... and every time I turned around, another person I'd known forever felt like a stranger to me. Even I felt like a stranger to me.

- Wendelin Van Draanen, Flipped

People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get up in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them.

- Unknown

You can do what you have to do, and sometimes you can do it even better than you think you can.

- Jimmy Carter

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.

- Carl Bard

It was like being drunk, how you so rarely feel drunk enough to do the thing you want to, you still feel pinned back by your own sense of rational or the proper, but the next day, hung over, you realize just how drunk you were. You had a window of opportunity. If you had used it, you probably would have embarrassed yourself, but in not using it, you wasted something irretrievable.

- Curtis Sittenfeld, Prep

Each in her own way so brave, so determined, and so very desperate. Desperate to venture out, but afraid of what she'll miss when she goes. Desperate to get everything she wants, even when she's not exactly sure of what that is. Desperate for life to be perfect again, although she realizes it never really was. Desperate for a better future, if she can find a way to escape her past.

- Desperate Housewives

You know that point in your life when you realize that the house that you grew up in isn't really your home anymore? All of the sudden even though you have some place where you can put your stuff that idea of home is gone. Garden State

- Unknown

Imperfection is beauty; madness is genius. And it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.

- Marilyn Monroe

Remember, it's only in the black of night you can see the stars and those stars will lead you back home. So don't be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble, fall, cause most of the time the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. Maybe you don't get everything you asked for-- maybe you'll get more than you ever could've imagined. Who knows where life will take you. The road is long and in the end the journey is the destination.

- One Tree Hill

This is the thing about life I've never really understood until now: we try so hard to control it, but bad things happen anyway. The only real control is an anti-control, a letting go.

- R.A. Nelson, Teach Me

When you're a little kid, you're a little bit of everything. Artist, scientist, athlete, scholar... Sometimes it seems like growing up is the process of giving those things up. One by one. I guess we all have one thing we regret giving up. One thing we really miss. That we gave up because we were too lazy or, we couldn't stick it out or, because we were afraid.

- The Wonder Years

But that was the problem with having the answers. It was only after you gave them that you realized they sometimes weren't what people wanted to hear.

- Unknown

Things fall apart so that other things can fall together.

- Unknown

Time is tricky. You have whole months, even years, when nothing changes a speck, when you don't go anywhere or do anything or think one new thought. And then you can get hit with a day or an hour, or half a second, when so much happens its almost like you are born all over again into some brand-new person you for damn sure never expected to meet.

- Life is Funny

Nobody’s life is filled with perfect little moments. And if it were, they wouldn’t be perfect little moments. They would just be normal. How would you ever know happiness if you never experienced downs?

- Cecilia Ahern, PS I Love You

Some people say you are going the wrong way, when it's simply a way of your own.

- Angelina Jolie

We're just afraid, period. Our fear is free floating. We're afraid this isn't the right relationship or we're afraid it is. We're afraid they won't like us or afraid they will. We're afraid of failure or we're afraid of success. We're afraid of dying young or we're afraid of growing old. We're more afraid of life than we are death.

- Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love

If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it.

- Jonathan Winters

This is turning into one of those repeating nightmares where you keep falling but never hit the floor. Only I feel like I just smacked into the ground at a hundred miles an hour.

- Laurie Halse Anderson, Speak
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