I want more than anything for us to be together. But not like this. Not screaming at the top of our lungs about things that happened 4 years ago

- Dawson's Creek

Joey: Do you regret telling me what you told me? 
Pacey: I guess it really... depends on whether or not you regretted hearing it. 
Joey: It's hard to regret hearing something that's already been in the back of your mind

- Dawson's Creek

But after we spent all that time together – just walking around and talking like we used to – things finally felt right between you and me

- Dawson's Creek

Joey: But, Dawson, I want us to still be friends, and I want to know that you don't hate me—
Dawson: They're just words, Joey. They're just words. 'Cause after you're done dispensing your pleasantries here, you're gonna turn around and you're gonna walk away from me. Aren't you?
Joey: I have to, otherwise, I'll never know. 

- Dawson's Creek

Pacey: I jus-- I can't keep on kissing you, jo.
Joey: What do you mean?
Pacey: I mean just that. I can't keep on kissing you. All right? I've done it twice now. I can't be the one that's always initiating this. I can't be the one who's always giving you the answers. look at me, Joey.
Joey: I can’t.
Pacey: Please. If you felt... Even one shred... Of what I feel for you... Then we wouldn't be standing here having this conversation.

- Dawson's Creek

You don't understand. I've... I've spent years building this... This complex series of--of booby traps so that...Nobody would ever get too close. and then you came along... With that big beating heart of yours, and... You broke all those walls down, and it's just really scary. I mean... What if I lose you?

- Dawson's Creek

Pacey: No. Cause alcohol, you know, it has that effect on problems it just never solves them. Ever. And I would hate to think I fell in love with a moron.
Joey: You're in love with me, huh?
Pacey: Well not currently, no. Right now you're just some crazy drunk girl

- Dawson's Creek

The whole thing was her fault. I mean, she told me that I was the one she thinks about. You know? Me. And then she gives me this look. What was I supposed to do? Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for her to give me that look

- Dawson's Creek

Pacey: I'm just asking a simple question, Dawson. You and Joey... she's not your girlfriend anymore.
Dawson: You're right, she's not.
Pacey: Right, so then why are we having this conversation? You see where I'm going with this? I mean, you're the same guy who told me a couple weeks ago that the two of you just needed to go your separate ways.
Dawson: Yeah, we do need to go our separate ways. It just never occurred to me…
Pacey: That what? That she would actually go her separate way, too? Or perhaps it didn't occur to you that her separate way would include a stopover at me, is that what it is? God, man! This is the way it always is with you! You talk and talk, but you don't listen to yourself. You say you're over her, but you're not. They're just words, they don't mean anything to you.
Dawson: You don't know what you're talking about.
Pacey: Look at that girl, Dawson. (he motions to Joey who is dancing with some older man) Just take a good look. She's a freaking goddess, man. How long did you think it was gonna be before some guy comes along and is interested in her? I mean, really, dude! And when that happens, what are you gonna do?
Dawson: I'm just gonna take it all as it comes.
Pacey: You're gonna take it as it comes. Oh great, well perhaps you should start figuring out right now because the guy that comes along is not gonna be your best friend and he's not gonna ask for your permission. The guy that comes along is gonna take one look at that woman and then just cut right in on ya.

- Dawson's Creek

Joey: I want to be with you, Pacey. I want to stay and be with you.
Pacey: Well, if you want to be with me, than staying here would be a really stupid idea, considering I don't plan to be here. I plan to be wherever you are.

- Dawson's Creek

You know who that guy you reacted like is gonna be in ten years, Pace? The person who knows me best. Dawson knows my past... My future lies with you

- Dawson's Creek

Wanna know something Miss Josephine Potter? I think the world may just surprise you yet. I mean you fall in love and it doesn't work out and you think that it will never happen again, but it does. Believe me, it does. In the strangest of places.

- Dawson's Creek

I have discovered perfection obtained is a discomforting state and I get restless. What do you do when everything is right? When everything is just the way you want it to be? I want for nothing, and that leaves me feeling empty.. not wanting. And I just want to want again

- Dawson's Creek

Sex is never innocent. It’s intense, its passionate, and sometimes it can be life altering-but it is never innocent

- Dawson's Creek

Yeah, she is pretty. She is very, very pretty. She's actually the kind of pretty that gives you butterflies, you know what I mean?

- Dawson's Creek

Well, I should probably just start first, that you, Josephine Potter, have just wrecked me. In the best possible way, you have absolutely wrecked me. Because you see, I fell in love with you, knowing that there was never any possibility of being with you. Knowing full well that a sizeable chunk of your heart would always be wrapped up in our friend, Dawson. And that much was actually okay with me. Right up to the point that you chose me. Cause then you just turned everything on it's head. And I got everything that I wanted, and from that day forward, I've just been a wreck.

- Dawson's Creek

Joey: Then I'm probably the last person you want to see.
Dawson: You're a lot of things, Joey, but you're never the last person I wanna see.

- Dawson's Creek

A single moment of true joy is more powerful than a lifetime of sorrow.

- Dawson's Creek

Look, my point is is that I don't think that everybody meets the love of their life when they're a teenager. Or when they're 25. Or even when they're 35. But that doesn't mean that you stop looking and hoping. You know, 'cause you will meet that person, and when you do, I guess you know it.

- Dawson's Creek

Joey: Of all the people to see me like this, it had to be you.
Pacey: You know, it's a new year. Who knows? You and I might even become friends.
Joey: Pacey... I'm upset enough as it is.

- Dawson's Creek

you're unbelievable. I mean, as soon as I think I've got you all figured out, you go and you do something so outrageous that, it completely challenges me in a way that no one else would even think of. In case I don't say it enough, thank you.

- Dawson's Creek

Joey: Well, I expected you to at least say good-bye.
Pacey: Oh, yeah, the good-bye scene. Played that one over a thousand times in my head. I come to you, heart in hand, and announce my plans. You look at me, pained, but then, of course, the potter sarcasm kicks in and I leave never getting what I came for.
Joey: What is that, Pacey?
Pacey: You never ask me to stay. Ever.

- Dawson's Creek

Pacey, I wanted to see Dawson tonight, not because for 4 months of my life he was my boyfriend. Because for the better part of my life, he was my friend. And as my friend, I hurt him deeply. And living me with that fact has caused me no small amount of guilt over the past 3 months. So yes, I have been preoccupied. And it has made my mind wander. But my heart. That's a fixed point. 3 months of riding the open waters couldn't shake it. I'll be damned if I let your insecurities shake it. My heart never left this boat. It never left you. As far as I can see, it's not going to anytime soon.

- Dawson's Creek

I have realized that every time i'm around you, I'm happy

- Dawson's Creek

Like all great romantics, Shakespeare realized love was a lot more likely to end with a bunch of dead Danish people than with a kiss

- Dawson's Creek
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